Equality and family policy
1.0 Purpose and scope
To describe Raftákn´s equality and family policy.
2.0 General
Raftákn is an established company with ambitions to be a sought after workplace. What makes Raftákn a great place to work at is the healthy work-life balance policy, along with humor and fun at work. We believe that the company grows with its employees as they get the opportunity to learn and grow as individuals. That is why we put emphasis on creating a good working environment and provide access to education and re-education to all our employees. Raftákn also offers flexible working hours, to meet family needs, personal obligations and responsibilities conveniently.
In the process of determine wages and benefits, it is ensured that there is no discrimination by gender, race, national origin, religion, disability, pregnancy, medical condition, marital status or sexual orientation. All vacancies at Raftákn shall be equally available for both women and men.
3.0 Work and family
The equality and family policy at Raftákn is made in accordance with law on the equal status and equal rights of women and men No. 96/2000.